User`s manual

Before use
[1] Differences from the ZM-70T's ladder monitor function
Can use a 32-pixel per character font (smooth 4x character font).
However, there is a limitation on the amount of data that can be shown on the screen at one time.
Can use custom 16-pixel characters created by the user.
The ZM-70T uses a custom 16-pixel character file supplied by SHARP to display ladder chart sym-
bols. The ZM-42/43/52/72/82 series can use this custom 16-pixel character file for characters cre-
ated by the user.
The macro instructions used to display ladder charts are exclusive commands for the ZM-42/43/52/
The ZM-70T writes a macro to system memory using division No. 255 of the message mode. How-
ever, the ZM-42/43/52/72/82 uses the exclusive commands, and is easier to set up than before.
[2] Other precautions
When using the ladder monitor function, make sure to include an F-40 (END) instruction at the end
of each ladder program.
If an F-40 instruction is not used, the program may not function properly when you try to search for
coils or similar features located at the end of a ladder program.
The ladder monitor function is proprietary SHARP function. It cannot be used with PCs made by
other manufacturers.
In order to use the ladder monitor function, ZM-71SE screen editor software (V1.3.0.0 or later) for
Windows OS and JW-100SP ladder software (V3.02 or later) are required.
When using the ZM-42/43 series, the maximum screen size for these monitors is 320 x 240 pixels.
They cannot display a ladder chart for one complete network on a single screen. In this case, use a
contact point touch function or the scroll function to display the rest of the network.
With the ladder monitor function, a ladder monitor system program will occupy the user screen data
area in the monitor, so the screen data capacity of the user area is decreased by 128K bytes.
When the JW50H/70H/100H series is connected to the monitor, the expansion relay area (address
20000 to 57777) cannot be used for the ladder monitor function. When a JW30H is used, use of area
above address 20000 may require a lot of time to search.
When connecting the ZM series control terminal to a PG port on the control module, if you want to
turn a relay ON or OFF using a switch, the switch cannot be used if the set value change switch
(special relay number 07365) is OFF.
When the monitor is connected to a PC port on a control module, the following error may occur. In
this case, turn OFF the memory protect switch on the control module.
- Error detail: The LCD control terminal will display "Communication error - Receive code 27."