Limited Warrenty Policy

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Article 2. Recycle Process
1. This Recycle Process details all related processes for reuse or disposal of the Product not
conforming to its intended use.
2. Responsibilities and Procedures required for Recycle Process are specified as follows:
A. End-User shall make a request, by phone call or e-mail to Service Center for disposal of the
B. Service Center shall respond End-User of the action plan and guide within Two (2) working
days (48hrs) after receiving the disposal request. End-User shall turn off the Product first
and disassemble it from the grid prior to its disposal.
C. Service Center shall collect the product for disposal within Seven (7) working days after
receiving the disposal request. Disposal Cost will be covered by Warranty. SDI Service
Center shall recycle the collected Product thereafter.
Article 3. Warranty Extension
1. Warranty Extension means Extra Warranty Period provided after Five (5) years of the Product
Warranty, inherently provided by Samsung SDI, is expired.
2. Warranty Extension can be provided in two options below:
A. Pay-At-Once (Full Coverage): In principle, Warranty Extension shall be provided on a five-
year extension basis. If Customer wants one-year basis extension, however, Warranty Price
can be calculated as follows.
Warranty Extension Price = Basic Price / 5 * Extension Period (Year)
Disposal Request
Disposal Response
[ What to do ]
[ Who to do ]
Call or E-mail
Call and E-mail
SDI Service Center
Visit to End-User
Recycle Engineer