
Consumer Electronics Products
Congratulations on your purchase!
Sharp Electronics el Canada Lid (hereinafter called Sharp") gives the following express warranty to the first consume; purchaser for this
Sharp brand product, when shipped in its original container and sold or distributed in Canada by Sharp or by an Authorized Sharp Dea_er:
Sharp warrants that this product is tree under normat use and matn_enance, from any defects in matede_ and workmanship _f any such
defects should be found in this product within 1he applicable warranty period. Sharp shag. at its option, repair or replace the product as
speciliad herein
This warranty shall not apply to:
(a) Any defecls caused or repairs required as a result o! abusive operation, negitgence, accident, improper installation or inappropdafe
use as outlined in the owner's manual
(b) Any Sbarp product tampered w_th. modified, adjusted or repaired by any party other than Sharp. Sharps Aulhorized Service Cenlres
or Sharp's Authorized Servicing Dealers
(c) Damage caused or repairs required as a result of the use wilh items not specified or approved by Sharp. including bid not limited Is
head cleaning tapes and chemical cleaning agents
(d) Any replacement o! accessories, glassware, consumable or peripheral items required through norms] use of the product inOudiag but
eel limited to earphones [smote controls. AC adapters, batteries, temperature probe, stylus, trays, fillers, bells, ribbons, cabtes and
(e) Any cosmelic damage to the surface or exterior that has been defaced or caused by normal wear and tear,
(I} Any damage caused by external or environmental conditions, including but not limited to transmission line/power line voltage or liquid
(g) Any prodoct received without appropriate model, sedal nomber and CSAicUL marMngs
{h) Any products used for rental or commercial purposes
(i) Any installation, setup and/or programming charges
Should this Sharp product fail to operate during the warranty period, warranty servtce may be obtained upon delivery of the Sharp product
together with proof of purchase and a copy of this LIMITED WARRANTY statement to an Authorized Sharp Service Centre or an
Authorized Sharp Servicing Dealer In home warranty service may be provided at Sharp's discretion on any Sharp television wgb the
screen size of 27" or larger and on any Sharp Over-the-Range Microwave Oven
This warraoly csnslilutes the entire express warranty granted by Sharp and no other dealer, service centre or their agent or employee is
authorized lo extend, enlarge or transfer this warranty on behalf o! Sharp To the extent the _aw porta!!e, Sharp disclaims any and al)
liability for dtrect or indirecf damages or losses or for any incidental, special or consequential damages or loss of profits resuRing from a
deles1 in malerial or workmanship relating to tl_e product, including damages tot the loss of lime or use of this Sharp product or the loss
of inlormation The purchaser wig be responsible for any removal, reinstallation, transportation and insurance costs incurred, Correction of
defects, in the manner and period el _ime described herein, constRule complete fultilimenl of oil obligelions and responsibili[ies of Sharp
to the purchaser with respect to the product and sha$1 conslitute lulI salfsfaction o| ag claims, whelher based on contract, negligence, strict
liability or otherwise
Paris & Labour (exceptions noted)
Audio Preducls 1 year
Camcsrder 1 year
DVD Products 1 year
Proiecter 1 year (lamp 90 days)
LCD & P_asma Display TV 1 year
Microwave Oven 1 year (magnet[on composenb4 additional years)
Television Products 1 year (picture tube component-1 additiona_ year)
VCR Products 1 year
Vacuum Cleaner 1 year
"_o tllluthl gl,a ,am€ and ntJd;,css uf die segtr_:sl Aulhorized Sharp Service Oantr¢ or Dealer. t>Iegls¢ cmu;',cl:
SHARt Ef.EC'It;_ONICS OF C/',NADA LTD 335 Br_ni_ R_ad E_sl Mississ_s_. Onl_rh) L4Z lW_
For more information on this Warranty, Sharp Extended Warranty
Offers, Sharp Canada Products, Accessory Sales, Dealer or Service
Locations, please call (905) 568-7140
Visit our Web site:
Revision 04122/03