
Watching TV
Perform the following steps before you press POWER
on the remote control unit.
Turning on the power
Press POWER on the TV/DVD, or POWER on the
remote control.
TV status ind|cator (POWER)
Insert the batteries into the remote control unit.
(See page 9.)
Connect the antenna cable to the TV/DVD. (See
page 13.)
Plug in the AC cord to the AC outlet. (See page 8.)
Method 2
Using remote control buttons 0-9, (DOT) to select
channels for VHF/UHF/CATV/DIGITAL.
To select a I or 2-digit channel number (e, g., Channel 5):
Press 5
When selecting a 1-digit channel number, it is not
necessary to press 0 before the number.
When you enter 0-9 only, channel selection will be made
if there is no operation within a few seconds.
To select a 3-digit channel number (e. g., Channel 115):
Press 1--_1-_5
To select a4-digit channel number (e. g., Channel 22.1):
Press 2_2_ (DOT) _1
ON Lighting (Green)
OFFfStandby Lighting (Red)
POWER indicator (Green): The TV/DVDS is on. ("Please
wait" will appear tar a few seconds on the screen.)
Se:iect the:TV _0de :.' : i::: _ .
Press TM/DMD to select the TV mode.
The LANGUAGE setup menu will appear automatically
when TV MENU is pressed on for the first time.
Tum:ing offthe poWeri:,i,=I i _ii=;i
Press POWER on the -rVIDVD, or POWER on the
remote control.
TheiV entersstandbymode and the image on the screen
= The POWER indicatoron the TVtDVD changes to Red.
When you enter 0-9 only, channel selection will be made
if there is no operation within a few seconds.
If you press 0 by itself in "Air" reception, nothing will
Complete the above steps within a few seconds.
When you enter 0-9 and (DOT), channel selection will
be made if there is no operation wilhin a few seconds.
,AUTO,Ch M@mo_ =-:_:: ._:,::__ ii_iiiiii i:__:_ii::
Auto Ch Memory makes the TV/DVD Hook for all
channels viewable in the set area.
1 Press TV MENU and the MENU screen displays.
If you are not going to use this TV/DVD for a long period of
time, be sure to remove the AC cord from the power outlet. 5
* Weak electric power is still consumed even when POWER
is turned elf. 6
You can changechannelsinseveral ways.
Method 1
Using CH Air on the remote controlunit or on the
channelsusing the same channel number, your channel
up function willscroll through the analog channel first,
then the digital channel. Although itmay appear as though
the channel does not change, it actually moves from the
analog to the digital channelin sequence.
If you use channel-down,it willmove in reverse, from the
digital channelto the analog channel.
Press ,L/_r to select "Channel", then press _,-or ENTER.
Press A/v to selsct "Auto Ch Memory", then press _- or
Press _,/T to select °Signal Type".
Press -,_/_ to select "Air" or "Cable '=.
Press ,_iT to select "Automatic Search", then press
The -P./will begin memorizing all the channels available
in your area.
It may take from 15 minutes to 30 minutes to complete
memorizing digital cable channels.
Depending on the reception condition, a BAR display
may not advance for several minutes, please be
° Memorizing channels is best accomplished during
evening "PRIMETtME" hours, as more stations are
broadcasting digital signals. Memorizing channels can
only be accomplished while a station is broadcasting a
digital signal to set that channel intomemory.
New digitaI channels may be added to your area
periodically,itis recommended to perform the "Automatic
Search" procedureregularly.