
Language *_
Menu "_
Subtitle "_
Audio '_
TV Screen "_
Display "_
Picture Mode
JPEG interval "_
Night Mode "_
Digital Out '_
English / Francais
/ Espanof
The selected _anguage will be heard or seen.
Other language can be selected (see the "Language code
list" on page 33),
Off (subtitle) Subtitles do not appear.
Original (Audio) The unit will select the first priority language of each disc.
4:3 t-'l (Letter When playing back a wide screen-DVD disc, it displays
box) i the wide picture with black bands at the top and bottom of
i screen.
4:3 r] (Pan i It displays the w de p cture onthe who e screen with left and
Scan) right edges automatically cut off,
16:9 _ (Wide) Select this mode when connecting to a wide-screen TV.
A wide screen picture is displayed full size,
Off / On On screen display can be switched on or off when you press
the DISPLAY button.
There are two types of source content in pictures recorded in DVD video discs;
film content (pictures recorded from films at 24 frames per second) and video
content (video signals recorded at 30 frames per second). Make this selection
according to the ty3e of content being viewed.
Auto Select this position normally. The DVD pIayer autematicaily
detects source content, film or video, of playback source. .......
Film Suitable for playback of film content pictures.
Video Suitable for playback of video content pictures.
You can continuously playback all JPEG files automatically.
Off Plays back one file at a time.
5 / 10 / 15 Displays images in the form of a slide show.
Seconds Every 5 / 10 / 15 seconds the image changes.
Night Mode enables you to control the dynamic range so as to achieve a
suitable sound for four equipment.
Off .... lit plays back at the recording level on the disc,
On Loud sound such as explosion or similar is toned down
slightly when played back, This makes it suitable for when it
is connected to a stereo,
You can select the digital output sound format corresponding to your system
Off There is no sound output from DIGITAL AUDIO OUT jac k .
PCM Change Dolby Digital to PCM for the output.
Select when connected to a 2 channel digital stereo
D_scaud o bitstream data will be output,
See page 32,
"_if theselected language is not recordedon the disc, the first priority language isselected.
"_Ifthe DVD disc is notformatted inthe pan & scan sty[e, it displays 4:3 style.
"_If "Display" isnot set to "On" on screen displaysdo not appear whenyou pressany buttons except SUBTITLE, PLAY
'_You cannotdisplayDVD SETUP screen whendisc is playback
sThis function works only during playbackof Dolby Digitalrecorded discs.
"_The level of DynamicRange Reductionmay differdepending on DVD videodisc.
""Even ifyou select "Bitstrearn",MPEG audio willbe outputin PCM format.
(_- 31