Service manual

6-6-7. Component (50/60Hz) input adjustment
Adjustment Adjusting conditions Adjusting method
1 Brightness adjustment 1. From SG, input the 100% white color 1. Adjust DVD 50/60 BRIGHTNESS, and
(DVD 50/60 BRIGHTNESS bar signal of PAL into conponent adjust the black level of G output so
Item) terminal. as to get DC 0.35±0.05V.
2. Connect oscilloscope to TP821
(IC316, pin7, G output).
2 Unicolor adjustment 1. From SG, input the 100% white colour 1. Adjust DVD 50/60 UNICOLOR so
(DVD 50/60 UNICOLOR bar signal of PAL into conponent as to get 2.3±0.1Vp-p between the
Item) terminal. 100% white and GND.
2. Connect oscilloscope to TP820
(IC316, pin1, B output).
3 Color level adjustment 1. DAC value is set in "61".
(DVD 50/60 COLOR Item)
4 Tint adjustment 1. DAC value is set in DVD 60 TINT
(DVD 50/60 TINT Item) "67" DVD 50 TINT "62".
6-6-8. RGB signal adjustment
Adjustment Adjusting conditions Adjusting method
1 RGB Brightness 1. Input the test pattern to RGB. 1. Adjust RGB BRIGHTNESS, and
adjustment 2. Connect oscilloscope to TP821 adjust the black level of G output so
(RGB BRIGHTNESS (IC316, pin7, G output). as to get DC 0.6±0.05V.
2 RGB R CUTOFF 1. Input the test pattern to RGB. 1. Adjust RGB R CUTOFF so as to
adjustment 2. Connect CH1 of the oscilloscope to equalizethe black levels of green and
(RGB R CUTOFF off Item) TP821 (IC316, pin7, G output). blue.
3. Connect CH2 of the oscilloscope to
TP819 (IC315, pin1, R output).
3 RGB B CUTOFF 1. Input the test pattern to RGB. 1. Adjust RGB B CUTOFF so as to
adjustment 2. Connect CH1 of the oscilloscope to equalizethe black levels of green and
(RGB B CUTOFF off Item) TP821 (IC316, pin7, G output). blue.
3. Connect CH2 of the oscilloscope to
TP820 (IC316, pin1, B output).