Service manual

7-3. IC7001 (100pin, QFP) 3D Y/C
Terminal Symbol I/O Level Buffer Type Function
No. PU/PD[k]
1, 40, DGND - - Digital section ground
45, 64, DVDD - - Digital section power supply
98 MRAS O TTL 1mA RAS output for external EDO memory
(Active Low)
99 MA8 O TTL 1mA Address output for external EDO memory
2-9 MA7-MA0 O TTL 1mA Address output for external EDO memory
10 MCAS O TTL 1mA CAS output for external EDO memory
(Active Low)
11 MWE O TTL 1mA WE output for external EDO memory
(Active Low)
12 MOE O TTL 1mA OE output for external EDO memory
(Active Low)
13-28 MIO15- I/O TTL Tin-state 1mA/5V Data input/output for external EDO memory
MIO0 withstand voltage
29 MGND - - fsc generator,digital section ground
30 XI I - fsc generator,reference clock input
(Connect Xtal)
31 XO O - fsc generator,reference clock reverse output
(Connect Xtal)
32 DVDD - - fsc generator,digital section power supply
33-36 HO3-HO0 O TTL Tin-state 1mA Data output for external field memory
(MSB)-(LSB) (Open when not used)
37 HWCK O TTL Tin-state 3mA Write clock output for external field memory
(Open when not used)
38 HRCK O TTL Tin-state 3mA Read clock output for external field memory
(Open when not used)
39 HRST O TTL Tin-state 1mA Reset signal output for external field memory
(Open when not used)
41-44 HI3-HI0 I TTL 5V withstand Input for external field memory
(MSB)-(LSB) voltage (GND connection when not used)
46 AVDD - - fsc generator, DAC section power supply
47 FSCO - Analog fsc generator, fsc output
48 AGND - - fsc generator, DAC section ground
49 AGND - - 8fsc-PLL, ground
50 FSCI - Analog 8fsc-PLL, fsc input
51 CPLL - - 8fsc-PLL, filter output (GND connection)
52 RPLL I Schmitt PU:50 Test input (GND connection)
53 AVDD - - 8fsc-PLL section power supply
54 CKMD I TTL 5V withstand CLK8 test mode selection
voltage (L: Normal, H: Test mode)(GND connection)
56 CLK8 O/I TTL Tin-state 3mA/5V 8fsc clock output
withstand voltage (8fsc clock input in the CLK8 test mode)
57 RSTB I Schmitt 5V withstand System reset input (Active Low)
voltage (Input of active low reset pulse from external)