
Useful adjustment settings
Select a foreground opacity value. Select a background opacity value.
Press MENU and the MENU screen displays,
Repeat steps 1 to 3 in Foreground Opacity,
Press _/1_ to select "Option",
Press _/V to select "Background Opacity",
Press _/Y to select "Caption Setup", and
then press ENTER,
Press A/V to select "Foreground Opacity",
Press 4/_ to select the desired value,
Press 4/1_ to select the desired value,
Default: The background opacity value specified by
broadcasting station or defauk opacity value.
,_ For resetting all adjustment kems to the factory preset
vakJes, press A/tf to select "Reset", and then press
Default: The foreground opacity value specified by
broadcasting station or defauk opacity value.
For resetting all adjustment items to the factory preset
values, press A/tF to select "Reset", and then press
Select a character edge,
Repeat steps 1 to 3 in Foreground Opacity,
Select a character background color.
Press A/V to select "Character Edge",
Repeat steps 1 to 3 in Foreground Opacity,
Press 4/1_ to select the desired setting,
Press A/'_' to select "Background Color".
Press _/1_ to select the desired color,
,_ Default: Tile character edge specified by broadcasting
station or default edge.
,_ For resetting all adjustment items to the factory preset
values, press Ak/tf to select "Reset", and then press
Default: The backgrour/d color specified by broadcasting
station or default color.
,_ For resetting all adjustment items to the factory preset
values, press A/tf to select "Reset", and then press
Q -43