
Useful adjustment settings
This function allows you to adjust the closed caption
screen appearance to suit your preference.
Press MENU to display the MENU screen, and
then press </I_ to select "Option".
Press A/T to select "Caption Setup", and
then press ENTER.
Press A/T to select a specific adjustment
You can adjust 7 items here;they are,
"Oaption Size",
"Font Style",
"Foreground Oolor",
"Foreground Opacity",
"Background Color",
"Background Opacity" and
"Oharacter Edge".
Oapt fan Size _ E Defaldt _
For resetting adjustments to the factory preset values,
press A/T to select "Reset", and then press ENTER.
The default value depends on the broadcasting station.
Selectable items available for "Font Style".
Default The font specified by broadcasting station
or default font.
Type 0 Proportional font used in the MENU
Type 1 Monospaced with serifs.
Type 2 Proportionally spaced with serifs.
Type 3 Monospaced without serifs.
Type 4 Proportionally spaced without serifs.
Type 5 Casual font type.
Type 6 Cursive font type.
Type 7 Small capitals.
Press </I_ to select the desired parameter.
Press MENU to exit.
Q- 39