
Watching TV (TV Guide On Screen)
Info Box
Info Box contains information about a show, service,
ad, or provides general help, A Show Listing Info Box
can have up to three sizes: Small, Large, and "No",
The default size of the Info Box is Small, Press INFO
to cycle among the sizes,
Info Button
The Info button appears on the button bar, if the Info
box size can change and/or if there are additional Info
Press 11t1=Oon the remote control to cycle between Inro
box sizes, as available.
In some instances, the Inro key is used to page forward, ir
there are additional pages or information, such as a Panel
Ad, Channel Ad, or help text.
The following icons indicate the current program
information and the current and future actions & status,
i!i i ii i i !ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!i!i!i i
Display the additional information,
TV Rating
Elapsed time in current program.
This appears in LISTINGS
SEARCH and when INFO is
pressed while watching TV
The program is presented in High
Definition TV if available
The program is new (not a repeat
The program is available in Stereo
Closed Caption is available for the
TV rating for the program
The program is set to record once
Other frequencies are Daily
(manual recording only) Regularly
and Weekly
The program is set to Record but
is currently off (The program
remains in schedule.)
The program is suspended due to
a schedule conflict (The program
remains in Schedule,)
Recording resumes when the
conflict no longer exists
The program is set to remind once
Other frequencies are Daily
(manual reminder only) Regularly
and Weekly
The program is set to remind but is
currently off (The program remains
in Schedule.)
The program is suspended due to
a schedule conflict (The program
remains in Schedule,)
Remind resumes when the conflict
no longer exists
IMPORTANT: When using TV Guide On
Screen or if program information does not
download, please follow the instructions
The TV must be off to download information,
Leave your TV off overnight to receive the initial
download in your area,
(Refer to Troubleshooting-TV Guide On Screen on
page 82 for details,)
The Guide uses Setup information to provide you with
show listings and lineups in your area - which are
updated several times a day, Once you setup the LCD-
TV according to this operation manual, you are ready
to set up TV Guide On Screen,
Press TV GUIDE to start setup,
Press ENTER, Basic initial setup will start,
Reminder screen
If you previously skipped Guide setup you will see the
Reminder Screen when you power on your LCD-TV,
Press A/V to select an option,
"Set up TV Guide On Screen now": Basic initial
setup will start.
"Remind me to set it up later": Returns to
watching TV.
"Don't remind me again": Returns to watching
TV and stops the reminder screen from
appearing upon powering on.
If you decide not to set up the Guide now, this reminder
screen will appear each time you power on the LCD-TV
(except ir you selected "Don't remind me again").
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