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Command line options
has the following command line options:
generate assembler output (default is to generate a full listing file);
TYPE set the CPU processor type – overrides any cpu statement in the
symbol file, where TYPE is one of the types reported by the
option (6800, 6809, 6502, Z80 etc.) (default is 6800);
NNNN specify a code entry point NNNN for threading;
list all processors supported and exit;
NNNN set the origin, or start address to NNNN (default is top of address
space less the length of the source image);
perform code threading (requires at least one code entry point to
be specified);
display version information and exit;
wide listing format (shows instruction cycles and up to 8 data
bytes per line).
When specifying addresses, the number NNNN should be specified using C
language conventions (i.e. default is decimal, prefix with 0x for hex, prefix with 0
for octal).
Input files
The primary input file is a binary image of the code/data to be disassembled. This
must be code for one of the supported microprocessors (or other manufacturer
will produce meaningless output for any other type of
assumes a file extension of ".bin" unless otherwise specified for the binary
image file.
looks for a symbol file of the same base name as the source binary file, but
with a ".sym" file extension. If a symbol file is found, it will be used. Provision of a
symbol file is optional, except where code threading is used (where a symbol file
must be used to define at least one code entry point).