Owner's Manual

Entering numbers and symbols
Touch the [AB/ab 12#$%] key.
When the characters "12#$%" are highlighted,
number/symbol entry mode is selected.
Enter the desired number or symbol.
Numbers and symbols that can be entered are as
Screen 1/2
Screen 2/2
Change screens by touching the key or key
displayed in the screen. If you make a mistake,
touch the key to move the cursor ( ) back one
space and then enter the correct character.
You can continue touching keys to enter
characters. You can also touch another character
type selection key ([ ÃÄÂ/ãäâ] key or [AB/ab
12#$%] key) to enter characters other than
numbers and symbols.
When you have finished entering
characters, touch the [OK] key.
You will exit the character entry screen and return
to the programming screen. If you touch the
[CANCEL] key, you will return to the programming
screen without storing the entered characters.
The following symbols cannot be used when
entering a file name or folder name.
Depending on the environment of use of the OS, it
may not be possible to use spaces and the symbols
indicated below.
For example, hyperlinks will not operate correctly or
nonsense characters may appear.
$ % ' ( ) + - . = @ [ ] ^ ` { } _
<> ! * |&#
07-3.fm 30 ページ 2007年3月14日 水曜日 午前11時23分