User Manual

SHARP Electronics GmbH
tion of Shar
MX-M5051 Further information and instructions
For the standard use cycle according to ENERGY STAR 3.0 standard,
the following assumptions are made for a device like Sharp MX-M5051: Installation instructions: New electronic devices may release volatile
32 print jobs per working day, each with 39 pages, single-sided using substances into the room air in the first days after unpacking. Therefore,
monochrome printing (1248 pages/day). you should take care for sufficient aeration at the installation site.
The energy consumption for a week (7-days' week with 5 working days of
8 hours each) in the standard use cycle according to ENERGY STAR 3.0, Guarantee: The guarantee period for the device corresponds to legal
determined using printing test pattern A according to ISO 10561:1999, is regulations.
0,79 kWh/week.
This value was measured with the settings (delivery status) stated above. Duplex print: The devices are pre-installed (factory setting mode) to
You can change the activation times for the energy-saving modes in some duplex print; if necessary, they may divergently be configured by the
cases. If you shorten an activation time, the device will switch to an energy- user. It is, however, recommended to let the basic installation
saving mode faster and you will save electricity costs. If you nevertheless "duplex print" unchanged as it helps to reduce paper in combination
want to extend an activation time, please bear the following in mind: with “N-up function”.
The device will switch to an energy-saving mode later or not at all. The device
will thus remain in a mode with higher power consumption for a longer period N-up function: This device offers the function to copy or print
of time and will consume more electric power as a result. In addition, it is several pages per side of the sheet. Paper consumption is thereby
possible that the device will no longer comply with the maximum value for reduced, especially in combination with duplex print.
power consumption specified by the Blue Angel. We recommend that
you do not extend the activation times. Recycled paper: This device is suitable for processing recycled paper
according to EN 12281:2002.
Individual user installations: Various individual installations can be
Minimum use of PCR plastics made at the device and/or print driver by the user itself, among
The proportion of post-consumer recycled plastic used in the device, others regarding the reduction of energy and paper.
calculated as a percentage of total plastic by 0-1%, 1-5%, 5-10%,
10-15%, 15-20%, etc. (in 5% intervals): 0-1 % Repair and supply of consumables: SHARP ensures the supply of
spare parts and consumables for 5 years after discontinuation of the
production of MX-M5051.
Maintenance of the device: Cleaning, maintenance and waste
removal activities may only be done by trained personnel. Ozone
and dust filters must be exchanged by trained personnel as well.
Instructions for handling toner cartridges: Do not open toner
cartridges by force. Do not inhale and as a precaution avoid contact
with the skin in case toner dust exits due to incorrect handling.
Keep toner cartridges in a place inaccessible to children. Wash off
the toner with cold water or with soap in case of skin contact.
Upon skin irritation seek medical advice.
The print supplies items provided and recommended by Sharp
for compliance with the permissible emission limits have been
checked and confirmed according to Blue Angel Eco Label.
Take back and disposal: Further information and contact details for
the return of equipment from the used toner containers or residual
toner containers are provided by the following website
Please refer to Blue Angel award of your device.
The take back is free of charge. For the take back a point of
transfer is agreed upon. The items will be recycled respectively
mechanically recycled with priority. If required, photoconductor
drums can exclusively be replaced by the field service. The
appropriate recycling of photoconductor drums is done by the
Service Partner or SHARP-Service. Documents about an effective
disassembling and the selective substances to be treated will be
provided to our recycling partners upon request.
      Sharp Electronics GmbH, Nagelsweg 33 - 35, D-20097 Hamburg, Tel.: +49 40 23 76-0 Fax: +49 40 23 76-2660
According to DE-UZ 219 Annex 12 EN 2 07/2021