
SCAN data
COPY data
PRINT data
FAX data
Quick File
SCAN data
COPY data
PRINT data
FAX data
SCAN data
COPY data
PRINT data
FAX data
Web-based device management
Printer Status Monitor
Search results
Web access screen
Read data from PC and
clone settings (import)
Store data to
PC (export)
Master machine PC Client machine 1 Client machine 2
Web-based device cloning
7 8
Sharpdesk for Total Document Management
Document Management on the Hard Disk
You can save processed job data in designated folders on the
MX-M502N/M452N/M362N/M282N’s built-in hard disk, making it
easy to instantly recall saved documents or jobs for printing and
sending at a later time. This contributes greatly to efficient sharing
and distribution of information in your business operations.
Up to 10,000 pages or 1,000
that have been copied,
printed, scanned, or faxed*
can be stored by job on the
hard disk in a Quick File Folder.
You can easily reuse saved data
without having to reload or
rescan the original.
Quick Filing
Up to 20,000 pages or 3,000 files*
that have been copied, printed, scanned, or faxed*
can be stored by job
on the hard disk in up to 1,000 folders with customised names and locations. Enhanced security features require
users to enter a 5- to 8-digit password to access secure folders, protecting your sensitive data. Storage options
• Main Folder – You can store processed files by
user name in the main public folder and share
them across the workgroup. Any file name and
a PIN code can be assigned to each saved job.
• Custom Folder - Up to 1,000 private folders (named as
desired) can be created within the Custom Folder. When
saving a file in a private folder, any file name can be
assigned. A PIN code can be applied to both private folders
and files.
Advanced Filing Function
Sharpdesk is an original Sharp application that provides integrated desktop
management of documents in over 200 file formats, including scanned
paper-based documents and those created with popular applications such as
Word. It allows you to organise, edit, search, and distribute your documents,
all with simple drag-and-drop operation.
• Intuitive desktop display features thumbnail viewing
• Sharpdesk Imaging provides annotation tools for paper-free proofreading
• Sharpdesk Composer combines different types of files into a single
Optical character recognition converts documents into editable text files
Output zone distributes files to e-mail, printers, and other applications
File search allows searching by file name, keyword, or thumbnail
Easy Access to Stored Files
Documents stored on the hard disk can be quickly and easily
searched and accessed from the control panel’s LCD via thumbnail
displays and file previews or through a Web browser.
*1: Measured using Sharp’s standard chart (A4 with 6% coverage, B/W). The Quick File Folder shares the HDD with the Job Build function; up to 12GB of data storage is available
when using both functions. The storage capacity will be less for colour pages.
*2: For fax and Internet fax jobs, only transmitted data (not received faxes) can be saved in the Document Filing function.
* Image Compression Tool for converting images into compact PDF files
To e-mail or FTP
Fax or Internet Fax*
Print Out
Paper documents
Electronic files created on a PC
* These functions require their respective option(s).
See page 5 for details.
** Print data cannot be retransmitted.
PC-Internet Fax
Fax/Internet Fax
Quick File Folder
Main Folder
Custom Folder
Integrated Device Management
The MX-M502N/M452N/M362N/M282N allows for easy programming of complex settings and makes it possible for a
system administrator to manage multiple devices from a single location. The result is minimum time and effort and
maximum work efficiency.
Web-Based System Settings
Administrators can configure
system settings such as address
book control, document filing
management, and user control
(accounting) from either over the
network or from the control panel
of the MX-M502N/M452N/
User Control
The MX-M502N/M452N/M362N/M282N has capabilities to
restrict machine access and usage. Easily manage overall
running costs by setting access rules through a Web browser to
limit or restrict functions, such as the printing out or copying of
large-volume documents.
• Authority Groups – Use of each function can be restricted
• User control and account – Up to 1,000 password-protected user
accounts can be created for customised access. Accounts can be
set up for individuals, groups or departments, in conjunction
with the authority group setting. Maximum limits for printing or
copying pages can be set for each account.
Remote Diagnosis
The MX-M502N/M452N/M362N/M282N can be monitored
remotely through a Web browser. In the event of a problem, such as
a low amount of toner, an alert is displayed on the Web page.
Additionally, the E-Mail Status and Alert function generates e-mail
messages to notify the administrator when action or maintenance is
Printer Status Monitor
If the MX-M502N/M452N/M362N/
M282N is low on paper or toner, the
Printer Status Monitor will alert you
in the form of easy-to-understand
graphics, allowing you to avoid
problems before they arise.
Device Cloning
Machine settings can be copied conveniently to another
MX-M502N/M452N/M362N/M282N via a Web browser in XML
format, making it easy to clone machines in a networked
environment. With Device Cloning, the administrator no longer
needs to set up individual machines one by one, thereby making
his/her job a lot easier.
Remote Operation
With the MX-M502N/M452N/M362N/M282N’s Remote Operation
function, the same control panel screen found on the MFD can be
displayed on the screen of a remote, office-networked PC, allowing
the MFD to be operated via that PC*. This function can, for
example, enable the administrator to guide an MFD user in need of
help through necessary procedures. It also allows users, regardless
of experience, to operate the MFD remotely, via the PC.
* Requires VNC application.
Search screen
Search Edit
Output zone
E-mail OCR ICT*