User Manual

Conditioning Battery Pack
When the actual remaining power in your battery is less than what Windows Power
Meter indicates, you need to condition the battery pack or buy a new one.
1. Make sure your computer is powered off. Connect your computer to AC power
and fully charge the battery. The battery indicator turns orange first; then, green
when the battery pack is fully charged.
When the battery is fully charged, the battery indicator turns green.
2. Turn on your computer.
3. When the message Press <F2> to enter SETUP appears, press F2 to open the
Setup Utility.
4. Disconnect the AC adapter, and leave your computer on until the battery is
completely discharged and the system shuts down automatically.
5. Connect your computer to AC power and let the battery fully charged again.
Do not turn on your computer while charging the battery pack.
Do not connect your computer to a wall outlet while discharging the
battery. The conditioning will be cancelled.
Repeated charging and discharging or long-term storage of the battery
pack cause battery deterioration. In this case, replace the battery pack
with a new one.
Changing Battery Pack
When repeatedly charged and discharged the battery pack or stored for a long term, it
will deteriorate (the deterioration rate depends on the operating environment). The
battery deterioration will result in declining its capacity and power. If the battery life
becomes extremely short even after the conditioning, you should buy a new battery
pack. Ask your local dealer for a new battery pack.
When you replace the battery pack with a new one:
1. Turn off your computer and disconnect the AC adapter from your computer.
2. Close the display cover and turn your computer over on a stable surface.