
Customizing Your Notebook 2-1
Running the Setup Utility
Your notebook has been properly set up and configured prior to delivery. However,
you may find it is necessary to use the notebook’s Setup Utility to change system
configuration information, such as time and date, port assignments, passwords or
power management settings. The Setup Utility can be accessed when “Press <F2> to
enter setup” appears at boot time.
The settings you specify with the Setup Utility are recorded in a special area of
memory called CMOS RAM. This memory is backed up by an independent backup
battery so that it will not be erased when you turn off or reset the system. Whenever
you turn on the power, the system reads the settings stored in CMOS RAM and
compares them to the equipment check conducted during the power-on-self-test
(POST). If an error occurs, an error message is displayed on screen, and you are
prompted to run the Setup Utility.
The Setup Utility consists of four menu pages and the Exit page, as follows:
1. Main: basic system configuration (time/date, disk drive and memory settings)
2. Advanced: device interface configuration (I/O ports, sound settings)
3. Security: password settings
4. Power: Power management (battery saving settings)
5. Exit: exit the Setup Utility
Using the Setup Utility
The following keys are used to maneuver among Setup options and to change values:
Use the cursor keys to move from one option to another.
Press these keys to move to the first or last item.