
Using Your Notebook 3-11
Floppy Disk
Floppy disks used by the notebook are made of magnetic material and enclosed in a
protective plastic case. The case protects the magnetic surface of the disk against
scratches, bending and dust. A shutter on the case opens automatically when inserted
into the notebook’s floppy disk drive, exposing the disk to the drive’s read/write
head, which can then retrieve, record or erase data on the disk’s magnetic surface.
When the system attempts to access a floppy disk, the disk starts to spin within its
plastic casing, and the read/write head moves to the proper position on the disk and
performs the operation you requested.
Figure 3-6. 3.5-Inch Floppy Disk
The notebook is equipped with a high-density 3.5-inch floppy disk drive, which can
read and write to either double-density (2DD) 720KB floppy disk or high-density
(2HD) 1.44MB floppy disk. Notice that both types of floppy disk have an arrow
imprinted on the front upper left corner, and a sliding write-protect tab on the bottom
left corner, as illustrated above. When opened, the write-protect tab prevents data
from being written to, or erased from, the floppy disk.
Inserting and Ejecting Floppy Disk
1. To insert a floppy disk, hold it with the arrow facing up and towards the drive.
Slide the disk into the drive until it clicks into place.
2. To eject a floppy disk, first ensure that the FDD indicator LED above the
keyboard is off, and then press the eject button on the drive. When the floppy
disk pops out of the drive, remove the floppy disk and store it properly.
High Density Notch
Write Protect Tab