System information

2 Luminescence 20
2.5 Kinetic
In kinetic mode, the instrument performs multiple reads of a single well with defined frequency
over a defined period of time before moving to the next well. The kinetic feature is available in
Luminescence mode only. One or both injectors can be used in the Kinetic mode. Each sample
reading is taken after the second injection and injection delay.
To activate kinetic mode, touch the KINETIC button located below the PLATE button. See Figure
2.6 Kinetic Parameters
Initial Delay: Delay before the start of the first reading to allow the sample plate to dark-adapt.
The range is from 0 to 60 minutes in 1-minute increments.
Readings: The number of data points to collect per well. The range is from 2 to 250 in 1-unit
Kinetic Interval: The reading frequency. The range is from 0.1 to 60 seconds in 0.1 second
increments. A 1 second Kinetic Interval means the readings are taken every 1 second.
Well: The time it takes to read one well using the defined parameters.
Plate: The time estimated to read the entire sample plate using the defined parameters.
Figure 2-2: Kinetic Parameters in Luminescence Mode (A)