
Security menu
See the previous chapter about setting passwords.
In some password settings, you cannot select some items.
Set Supervisor Password
Defines the supervisor password (up to eight characters).
Set User Password
Defines the user password (up to eight characters). You cannot
set the user password unless you have set the supervisor password.
If you lose your password, you will be unable to access the computer or
change the configuration. Make sure to select a password you will never
forget, or write it down and protect it in a secure place. Otherwise, you
will have to contact your dealer for assistance.
Password on boot
Defines whether the system requires passwords during the boot
means that you need to input a password to continue.
Power Management Security
Defines whether the system requires a password
when it resumes from the suspend-to-disk mode.
means that you need to
input a password to continue.
Diskette access
Specifies who can access the floppy disk drive.
Fixed disk boot sector
Defines whether the boot sector of the hard disk is write-
protected. When formatting the hard disk or when reinstalling software, set it to