Instruction manual

RazorGage End-User Manual
Technical Services, Inc Page 10
You may download workorders to your PC RazorGage with the Workorder Screen.
Press the button to find the file you wish to open whether it is
on the RazorGage PC or on a shared network drive. Select a file and press
The headings in that file will be displayed on the left hand column of the screen
and the values on the first line of the list will be placed next to their
corresponding heading. If you have an existing file format you wish to use, just
email it to RazorGage and we’ll set up the Workorder screen to accept it. If you
wish to create a file in Microsoft Excel, you just create a cut list with Line #,
Legnth, and Quantity as the first three columms, then populate up to seven more
columns with whatever information you want. The headings will be displayed as
shown below with the data for that column next to the heading.