Installation manual

W100T Twin Alternating Series Softeners 43
Problem Possible Cause Solution
1. No Display on PC Board
a. No power at electric outlet a. Repair outlet or use working outlet
b. Control valve Power Adapter not plugged
into outlet or power cord end not
connected to PC board connection
b. Plug Power Adapter into outlet or
connect power cord end to PC Board
c. Improper power supply c. Verify proper voltage is being delivered
to PC Board
d. Defective Power Adapter d. Replace Power Adapter
e. Defective PC Board e. Replace PC Board
2. PC Board does not display correct time of day
a. Power Adapter plugged into electric outlet
controlled by light switch
a. Use uninterrupted outlet
b. Tripped breaker switch and/or tripped GFI b. Reset breaker switch and/ or GFI
c. Power outage c. Reset time of day. If PC Board has
battery back up present the battery
may be depleted. See Front Cover
and Drive Assembly drawing for
d. Defective PC Board d. Replace PC Board
a. Meter is not connected to meter
connection on PC Board
a. Connect meter to three pin connection
labeled METER on PC Board
b. Restricted/ stalled meter turbine c. Remove meter and check for rotation
or foreign material
c. Meter wire not installed securely into three
pin connector
c. Verify meter cable wires are installed
securely into three pin connector
labeled METER
d. Defective meter d. Replace meter
e. Defective PC Board e. Replace PC Board
4. Control valve regenerates at wrong time of day
a. Power outage a. Reset time of day. If PC Board has
battery back up present the battery
may be depleted. See Front Cover
and Drive Assembly drawing for
b. Time of day not set correctly b. Reset to correct time of day
c. Time of regeneration set incorrectly c. Reset regeneration time
d. Control valve set at “on 0” (immediate
d. Check programming setting and reset
to NORMAL (for a delayed regen time)
e. Control valve set at “NORMAL + on 0”
(delayed and/ or immediate)
e. Check programming setting and reset
to NORMAL (for a delayed regen time)
5. Time of day flashes on and off
a. Power outage a. Reset time of day. If PC Board has
battery back up present the battery
may be depleted. See Front Cover
and Drive Assembly drawing for
6. Control valve does not regenerate
automatically when the REGEN button is
depressed and held.
a. Broken drive gear or drive cap assembly a. Replace drive gear or drive cap
b. Broken Piston Rod b. Replace piston rod
c. Defective PC Board c. Defective PC Board
7. Control valve does not regenerate
automatically but does when the REGEN
button is depressed and held.
a. Meter is not connected to meter
connection on PC Board
a. Connect meter to three pin connection
labeled METER on PC Board
b. Restricted/ stalled meter turbine b. Remove meter and check for rotation
or foreign material
c. Incorrect programming c. Check for programming error
d. Meter wire not installed securely into three
pin connector
d. Verify meter cable wires are installed
securely into three pin connector
labeled METER
e. Defective meter e. Replace meter
f. Defective PC Board f. Replace PC Board