
ED-97 136
1 September 8, 1997
sheet- I-
Precautions for Photocouplers
1 For cleaning
(1) Solvent cleaning :
Solvent temperature 45°C or less
Immersion for 3 mm or less
(2) Ultrasonic cleaning : The eaffect to device by ultrasonic cleaning- differs
by cleaning bath size, ultrasonic power
output, cleaning time, PWB size or device mounting
condition etc. Please test it in actual using condition
and confIrm that doesn’t occur any defect before starting
the ultrasonic cleaning.
Applicable solvent :
Ethyl alcohol, Methyl alcohol, Freon TE 9 TF
Diilon-solvent S3-E, Trichloroethane
Please refrain from using Chloro Fluoro Carbon type solvent to clean
devices as much as possible since it is internationally restricted to protect
the ozonosphere. Before you use alternative solvent you are requested
to confirm that it does not attack package resin. In case of using
trichloroethane in this device by dry up (100 % , for 30 to 60min) after washing.
2. The LED used in the Photocoupler generally decreases the light emission power
by operation. In case of long operation time, please design the circuit with considering
the degradation of the light emission power of the LED. (50%/5years)