Operating instructions

Table Of Contents
(11) Board
Work area. You can write letters, draw lines, and paste images etc.
The board can be displayed in 2 modes: whiteboard mode and overlay mode. The latter is transparent, showing the
(12) Toolbar
The background color and image can be changed for whiteboard mode. (Page 22)
There are 3 menu types that can be used to select functions.
Square menu (below), classic menu (page 9) or oating menu (page 10)
Function list of “All Functions” (page 13)
To use a function, touch the icon of the function in the menu to select it.
Square menu
Touch the indicator ( ) to display the square menu.
The illustration displayed in the indicator varies depending on the function used.
The square menu has 2 sides. To change the menu, touch the button (
) under the icon or touch the blank
center of the square menu.
When a place other than the menu is touched, the menu disappears and the indicator is displayed.
The square menu and indicator can be moved by dragging.
To move the square menu, drag the blank center of the square menu.
To move the indicator close to the pen tip of the touch pen, hold the pen down on the screen.
The icon size can be changed to large or small.
Changing the icon size
1. Touch the “Settings” button (
) on the toolbar.
2. Select “Square Menu” in “Menu”.
3. Select “Large” or “Small” in “Icon Size”.