Owner's Manual

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[Performance Setting] tab
(1) Animation when file arrives
Selects whether to use animation when a file is received.
(2) Animation when a client joins
Selects whether to use animation when a user joins a meeting.
If the computer is slow, select “Do not use animation”.
(3) Sound effect at file receiving
Select this option if you want a sound effect to be played when a file is received.
(4) Screen Sharing Settings
Adjusts whether to give priority to speed (low image quality) or image quality (slow
speed) when screen sharing.
Drag the slider in either direction to adjust.
[Send/Receive Setting] tab
(1) Accept file
Clear this check box if you want to prevent clients from sending files to the host.
(2) Prohibit file reception from a person without control.
Select this check box to disallow receiving files from clients that have not obtained
operation permission.
(3) Save files sent to Pen Software
Select this check box to save files sent from a client to the host using "Paste on
Current Sheet" or "Send to Pen Software".
If this check box is selected, files are saved in the folder specified in “Receive
(4) Receive Folder
Specifies the host folder in which to save received files when sending a file using
“Send to Folder”.
(5) Run shell script
Sets whether to run a shell script on received files.
To run a shell script, select the “Run shell script” check box, and select a script.
The number of characters in the file path and file name may differ depending on
the type of computer used.
For details, refer to the computer manual.