Owner's Manual

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[Connect Other] tab
(1) Enable host collaboration
Enables or disables connections with other hosts.
To disallow connections from other hosts, clear this check box.
(2) TCP/UDP port
Sets the port number to use for TCP/IP communication with other hosts.
(3) Network Adaptor
Selects the network adapter to use for connecting to other hosts.
(4) Host
Enters or deletes connection information (name, IP address).
The entered information is displayed in the connection selection screen on the
Connect to Other function.
[Others] tab
(1) Auto Start
Select this check box to start Touch Display Link (host) automatically when the
computer starts.
This setting is set for each login user.
(2) TCP/UDP port
Sets the port number to use for communicating with clients.
You should normally select the “Auto Port Number” check box. This automatically
sets the port number.
To set an arbitrary port number, clear the “Auto Port Number” check box, and enter
a port number (from 0 to 65535) in the “TCP/UDP port” box.
(3) Network Adaptor
Selects the network adapter to use for connecting to clients.
(4) Minimized
Selects whether to store the host menu when minimized in the taskbar/toolbar.
(5) License information
Shows software license information.