Owner's Manual

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1. Tap [Touch Display Link] ( ) on the taskbar.
The start menu appears.
(4) (5) (6)
(1) Edit User Info: Sets the host name and icon. (page 31)
(2) Start up as a host: Starts the host.
(3) Start up as a participant: Starts the client. (page 9)
(4) Send to Other User: Sends a file to another client. (page 25)
(5) Receive from Other: Receives a file from another client. (page 25)
(6) Receive Folder: Opens the folder that stores received files. (page 28)
2. Tap [Start up as a host].
The Host menu appears. (page 9)
To start the application manually, follow the procedure below.
- Double-tap the "Touch Display Link shortcut" (
) on the desktop and tap [Start up as
a host].
- From the [Start] button on the Windows taskbar, tap [All Programs] - [SHARP Touch
Display Link] - [Touch Display Link], and then tap [Start up as a host].
has blocked some features of this program" appears, select all of the check boxes, and
then select "Allow access".
The Touch Display Link automatic start setting is set for each login user.
When logged in as a different user, check the "Auto Start" setting from [Settings] on the
Host menu. (page 33)
The Host menu can be displayed from the toolbar. Check the "Minimized" setting from
[Settings] on the Host menu. (page 33)
When the computer is started and the “Failed to initialize CPCP. Check settings?”
message is displayed, tap “Yes”, and then check the “Network Adaptor” settings on the
“Others” tab. (page 33)
If the settings are correct, run the following program to restart the CPCP Service.
C:\Program Files\SHARP\Touch Display Link\CPCPrefresh.exe
If the problem continues after the service is restarted, run the above program and
implement a delayed start of the CPCP Service.
For a lite version host, start from the launcher screen.
1. Tap “Attended Users” on the launcher screen.
Starting the application