Drive Image Brochure

Benefits at a glance
• Eicient document processing
• Increased productivity
• Information security and regulatory compliance
• Sustainable growth
• Reduced operational costs
In particular, Drivve | Image ensures digital documents are:
Fully traceable – scanning is the most convenient and
common way of transferring hard copy content into an
electronic format, but the resulting files can be open to
security and legal challenges. So Drivve | Image provides
the necessary controls to ensure that documents are fully
traceable and legally admissible.
Easily searchable – by indexing documents, using
meta-tags or their full content (text), Drivve | Image enables
fast file searching and data discovery, which is especially
useful for ensuring document security and compliance.
Eiciently distributed – Drivve | Image’s routing process
ensures that captured documents are always sent to the
correct directories, so they cannot be inadvertently stored
in incorrect or even insecure locations.
Making data digital.
Information only becomes knowledge when it is
accessible by the people who need it most.
Share information eortlessly