User Manual

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© Oxford University Press and Bibliographisches Institut & F. A. Brockhaus AG 1990,
1997, 1999
Second Edition
Oxford University Press
Michael Clark
Bernadette Mohan
Robin Sawers
Gunhild Prowe
Neil Morris
Roswitha Morris
Data Input
Muriel Ranivoalison
Susan Wilkin
Tabitha Tuckett
Anne McConnell
Sci. Science
Scot. Scottish, Scotland
Shipb. Shipbuilding
sing. singular
sl. slang
Sociol. Sociology
Soc. Serv. Social Services
Soil Sci. Soil Science
St. Exch. Stock Exchange
sth. something
subord. subordinate
suf. suffix
superl. superlative
Surv. Surveying
symb. symbol
tech. technical
Teleph. Telephony
Telev. Television
Theol. Theology
Univ. University
usu. usually
v. aux. auxiliary verb
Vet. Med. Veterinary Medicine
v. i. intransitive verb
voc. vocative
v. refl. reflexive verb
v. t. transitive verb
v. t. & i. transitive and intransitive verb
W. Ind. West Indian, West Indies
Woodw. Woodwork
Zool. Zoology