Service manual

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IC802 VHiTC9457F0-1: Servo/Signal Control (TC9457F0) (2/4)
30 (S12)P4-1 PUSEL2 Input 3-bit CMOS I/O ports.
31* (SO/S11/ NC Input/Output These ports can be set for input or output bit for bit by a program.
SDA)P4-2 These pins serve dual purposes as input or output pins for the serial
32* (SCK/SCL) NC Input/Output interface circuit (SIO).
P4-3 The SIO is a 2-wire/3-wire compatible serial interface. 4 or 8 bits of serial
data, beginning with the MSB or LSB, are serially output from the SO/SDA,
pin at each clock edge on the SCK/SCL pin, and the data on S11 or S12
pin is serially input to the device.
The serial clock (SCK/SCL) allows selection between the internal (450/225/
150/75 kHz) and external sources and a selection of the active edge, rise or
fall. Moreover, since the clock and data can be output via Nch open-drain
outputs, variouts, device controls and communication between controllers
can be greatly facilitated.
When an SIO interrupt is enabled, an interrupt is generated at completion
of SIO execution and the program jumps to address 4.
All inputs to SIO contain a Schmitt trigger circuit.
33 TEST0 TEST0 Input Test mode control input pins.
34 TEST1 TEST1 Input The test mode is selected when these pins are set high and normal
35 TEST2 TEST2 Input operation is selected when they are low.
36 TEST3 TEST3 Input
37 TEST4 TEST4 Input
38 TEST5 TEST5 Input
39* (OT19)/HSO /HSO Output CD control output pins.
40* (OT20)SPCK SPCK Output • /HSO: Playback speed mode output.
41* (OT21)SPDA SPDA Output High = normal speed; Low = double speed.
42* (OT22)COFS COFS Output • SPCK: Processor status signal readout clock output (176.4kHz)
• SPDA: Processor status signal output.
• COFS: Correction system frame clock output (7.35kHz)
These pins can be switched for output ports by a program.
43* DOUT DOUT Input/Output Digital output pin.
44* SBSY SBSY Input/Output Subcode block sync output pin. It outputs a high at the S1 position when
subcode sync is detected.
45* SBOK SBOK Input/Output Subcode Q data CRCC determination result output pin. It outputs a high
when CRCC check is found OK.
46 VDD VDD1 Input/Output CD unit's digital block power supply pins.
47 VSS VSS1 Input/Output Normally, apply 5V to VDD.
When not using a CD (CD off), this power supply can be turned off, with
only the controller power supply kept active, so that the contrller alone is
operating. In this case, the CD off bit must be set to 1. When this bit is set
to 1, pins 11 through 18 and pins 39 through 42 all are changed for output
ports if they have been set for CD control signal input/output pins.
48 P2VREF P2VREF Input/Output PLL block-2 VREF pin.
49 PDO PDO Input/Output This pin outputs a phase error between EFM and PLCK signals.
50 TMAX TMAX Input/Output TMAX detection result output pin.
Selected by command bit TMPS.
Longer than preset period: Outputs P2VREF.
Shorter than preset period: Low level (Vss).
Within preset period: High impedance.
51 LPFN LPFN Input/Output Inverted input of low-pass filter amp.
52 LPFO LPFO Input/Output Output of low-pass filter amp.
53 PVREF PVREF Input/Output PLL block VREF pin.
54 VCOF VCOF Input/Output VCO filter pin.
55 AVSS AVSS Input/Output Analog block ground pin.
56 SLCO SLCO Input/Output DAC output pin for data slice level generation.
57 RFI RFI Input/Output RF signal input pin.
58 AVDD AVDD Input/Output Analog block power supply pin.
59 RFCT RFCT Input/Output RFRP signal center level input pin.
60 RFZI RFZI Input/Output RFRP zero-cross input pin.
61 RFRP RFRP Input/Output RF ripple signal input pin.
62 FEI FEI Input/Output Focus error signal input pin.
Port Name Terminal NamePin No. Input/Output
In this unit, the terminal with asterisk mark (*) is (open) terminal which is not connected to the outside.