Service manual

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1,2 VL2 VL2 Input LCD bias setting power input terminal.
3 P67/AN7 LID-SW (CD) Input CD cover position detection SW input terminal.
"L" = CD cover CLOSED, "H"= CD cover OPEN.
4 P66/AN6
Output PLL IC serial data transmission timing CLOCK output terminal.
5 P65/AN5 DATA (TUNER) Input/Output PLL IC serial data input/output terminal.
Address 8 bits, sending/receiving 24-bit data.
6 P64/AN4
Output PLL IC serial data transmission start/stop pulse output terminal.
7* P63/AN3
Output Tuner output mute output terminal.
"H" = Mute ON.
8* P62/AN2 AREA (TUNER) Input Destination voltage detection input. Operates as an A/D input port, and when a reset is executed,
detects the DC voltage present at the destination.
9 P61/AN1 KEY1 Input Operation key input. Max. 8 keys.
10 P60/AN0 KET0 Input Operation key input. Max. 8 keys.
11 P57/ADT STEREO Input FM stereo broadcast detection input.
(TUNER) "L" = When receiving a stereo broadcast
12 P56/TOUT MONO/ST Output FM mode output terminal read by the tuner IF IC.
(TUNER) "H" = FM stereo mode ("L" = FM mono/AM band).
13 P55/CNTR1 WRQ (CD) Input Detection input to standby with sub Q code output from LC78623D.
14 P54/CNTR0 SD (TUMNER) Input Tuner carrier wave detection input.
"L" = When a carrier wave is detected.
15 P53/RTP0 PU IN (CD) Input CD pickup position detection SW input terminal.
"L" = Innermost circumference.
16 P52/RTP0 DRF (CD) Input HF level detection input terminal from LA9241M.
17 P51/INT3
Output LC78623D reset signal output.
18 P50/INT2 CQCK (CD) Output Serial data synchronous clock for LA9241M/LC78623D interface.
19 P47/SRDY COIN (CD) Output LA9241M/LC78623D control command output terminal.
20 P46/SCLK RWC (CD) Output READ/WRITE control output terminal to LA9241M/LC78623D.
21 P45/TXD SL+ (CD) Output Slide motor forward control output terminal to LA9241M.
22 P44/RXD SL- (CD) Output Slide motor back control output terminal to LA9241M.
23 P43/INT1 REMOCON Input Remote control signal input terminal
Detected on the falling edge.
24 P42/INT0 SYS-STOP Input Input terminal for detecting a power failure or dead battery.
"L" = The unit will enter the backup mode.
25 P41/Ø SQOUT (CD) Input Sub code Q data input terminal from LC78623D.
26* P40 N.C
27 RESET RESET Input Microcomputer reset signal input.
28* P71/XCIN N.C No connect.
29* P70/XCOUT N.C No connect.
30 XIN XIN Input Main clock oscillator connection terminal.
31 XOUT XOUT Output
32 VSS VSS –– Microcomputer power GND.
33* P27 P-MUTE1 Output Audio signal mute condition output terminal.
"H" = Mute ON.
34 P26 P-MUTE2 Output Audio signal mute condition output terminal.
"L" = Mute ON.
35 P25 CD-FUNC Input CD function detection input terminal.
"H" = CD function.
36 P24 SYNC-IN Input Record SW detection input terminal.
"H" = Record SW ON.
37* P23 N.C No connect.
38* P22 N.C No connect.
39* P21 N.C No connect.
40 P20 N.C No connect.
41* P17/SEG31 N.C No connect.
42* P16/SEG30 N.C No connect.
43* P15/SEG29 N.C No connect.
IC501 RH-iX0016SJZZ (IX0016SJ): CD/Tuner Control Microcomputer (1/2)
Port Name Function
Pin No.
In this unit, the terminal with asterisk mark (*) is (open) terminal which is not connected to the outside.