
IFrozen EntreeJ
You can heat frozen entrees by touching just one pad. You
don'/need to calculate cooking time or power level..
*Suppose you want to heat a frozen entree,
" Procedure
ill be dispiayed repeated y
'""i-;_ _;_=_-_
After cookmg,i . u .c,_ i
and _ willbe
displayed repeatedly,
!Sensor Reheat 1
You can reheat foods by touching just one pad, You don't
need to calculate cooking time or power level.
* Suppose you want to reheat canned chili.
andI ," I
will be displayed repeatedly.
Aftorcoo ,
and I 5 , ;_t; _, 'Iwill be
displayed repeatedly.
t Baked Potatoes !
"Suppose you want to cook 2 baked potatoes°
I Procedure ,, , Dl_p!ay
[ _ will be displayed|
] repeatedly. , /
After cooking, rc--_ ,-E,-_ ] |
and i, S T,Rt;,_ Iwill be /
| Touch BAKED displayed repeatedly. J
l Popcorn j
* Suppose you want to pop one package of microwave
POPCQRN pad,.....
[ '_'_ land_
will be displayed repeatedly°
After cooking, __J
will be displayed repeatedly.
NOTE: Be careful when removing any covering to allow
steam to escape away from you.
instant Sensor Chart
Frozen Entree 6-16 ozo Use this pad for frozen convenience foods. It will give satisfactory results for
most brands° You may wish to try several and choose your favorite. Remove
package from outer wrapping and follow package directions for covering
After cooking, let stand, covered, for t to 3 minutes.
Sensor Reheat 4-32 oz.
Leftovers such
as rice, potatoes
vegetables, casserole
Soup 1-4 cups
Canned entrees and 4-16 oz.
Hot dogs 1-2
Place in dish or casserole stightly larger than amount to be reheated. Flatten,
if possible. Cover with lid, plastic wrap or wax paper. Use covers such as
plastic wrap or lids with larger quantities of more dense foods such as stews_
After reheating, stir well, if possible, Foods should be very hot. If not, continue
to heat with variable power and time. After stirring, re-cover and allow to stand
2 to 3 minutes..
Place hot dog in bun and wrap in paper towel or paper napkin.
Dinner plate 1 plate (3-6 oz.
plus vegetables
and/or potato/
Place meaty portions and bulky vegetables to outside of plate,. Cut large items
like baked potatoes into smaller pieces, Flatten foods such as mashed potato
and other dense foods, Cover with wax paper or plastic wrap° After cooking,
check that food is very hot throughout and that the bottom center of the plate
is very hoL If not, continue heating using time and power level. Stand,
covered, 2 to 3 minutes.
Only 1 package at a
time, any size bag
Use only popcorn packaged for microwave oven use_ Try several brands to
decide which you like best. Fresh popcorn works best so purchase only the
amount used in a week or two° Do not try to pop unpopped kernels° More or
Less Time Adjustment can be used to provide adjustment needed for older
popcorn or individual tastes.
Baked Potatoes
White potatoes
Sweet potatoes
1-6 medium
1-6 medium
Prick with a fork_ Place on paper-towel-lined turntable. After cooking, remove
from oven, wrap in aluminum foil and let stand 5 to 10 minutes.