Instruction manual

MS 201 T
File holder
N Use a file holder
Always use a file holder (special
accessory, see table "Sharpening tools")
when sharpening saw chains by hand.
File holders have markings for the
sharpening angle.
Use only special saw chain files!
Other files are unsuitable in terms of
shape and type of cutting.
To check the angles
STIHL filing gauge (special accessory,
see table "Sharpening tools") – a
universal tool for checking sharpening
and side plate angles, depth gauge
setting, and tooth length, as well as
cleaning grooves and oil inlet holes.
Proper sharpening
N Select sharpening tools in
accordance with chain pitch
N Clamp guide bar if necessary
N Block saw chain – push the hand
guard forward
N To advance the saw chain, pull the
hand guard toward the handlebar:
The chain brake is disengaged.
With the Quickstop Plus chain brake
system, additionally press the
throttle trigger lockout
N Sharpen frequently, removing little
material – two or three strokes of the
file are usually sufficient for simple
N Guide the file: horizontally (at a
right angle to the side surface of the
guide bar) in accordance with the
specified angle – according to the
markings on the file holder – rest the
file holder on the tooth head and the
depth gauge
N File only from the inside outward
N The file only sharpens on the
forward stroke – lift the file on the
N Do not file tie straps and drive links
N Rotate the file a little periodically in
order to avoid uneven wear
N To remove file burr, use a piece of
N Check angle with file gauge
All cutters must be equally long.
With varying cutter lengths, the cutter
heights also vary and cause rough
running of the saw chain and chain
N All cutters must be filed down equal
to the length of the shortest cutter –
ideally, one should have this done
by a servicing dealer using an
electric sharpener
Depth gauge setting
The depth gauge determines the depth
to which the cutter penetrates the wood
and thus the chip thickness.
689BA025 KN
001BA203 KN
689BA018 KN
689BA043 KN
689BA023 KN