Technical data

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This chapter provides instructions necessary to tow the airplane by hand or with tow vehicle.
A. Airplane Towing
(1) Towing Manually
CAUTION: During the towing operation, do not turn the nose gear beyond its steering radius
on either side of center. Exceeding the steering radius will result in damage to the
nose gear and steering mechanism. (See Figure 9-101)
(a) Acquire necessary tools, equipment, and supplies.
(b) Insert tow bar into nose wheel towing lug.
(c) Release parking brake.
(d) Remove chocks.
Note: Do not push or pull on control surfaces or propeller when maneuvering the
(e) Move airplane to desired location.
(f) Position chocks in front of tires.
(g) Remove tow bar.
(h) Set parking brake.
(2) Towing With Tow Vehicle
CAUTION: During the towing operation, do not turn the nose gear beyond its steering radius
on either side of center. Exceeding the steering radius will result in damage to the
nose gear and steering mechanism. (See Figure 9-101)
(a) Acquire necessary tools, equipment, and supplies.
(b) Insert tow bar into nose wheel towing lug.
(c) Attach tow bar to tow vehicle.
(d) Release parking brake.
(e) Remove chocks.
(f) Move airplane to desired location.
Description P/N or Spec. Supplier Purpose
Tow Bar - Any Source Tow the airplane.
Wheel Chocks - Any Source Block wheels.
Description P/N or Spec. Supplier Purpose
Wheel Chocks - Any Source Block wheels.
30 Nov 2000