Technical data

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The Airworthiness Limitations Section is FAA approved and specifies inspection and maintenance required
under paragraphs 43.16 and 91.403 of the Federal Aviation Regulations unless an alternative program has
been FAA approved.
This chapter outlines the maximum replacement intervals and/or maintenance requirements for aircraft
components, systems, and structures determined to be life limited and/or require monitoring through
scheduled maintenance.
Note: All time limits and requirements listed in this section are also covered in Chapter 5, Time
Limits and Maintenance Checks.
The following airworthiness limitations and requirements are separated into groups as described below.
A. Maintenance Limitations
Component and system checks required to be performed during airplane scheduled maintenance.
B. Replacement Limitations
Listing of time limits for replacement of specific components.
C. Structural Limitations
Damage Tolerant Limitations required by Federal Aviation Regulations for certification.
31 July 2001