Technical data

Page 1330 Nov 2000
mulation allows leather to breath and imparts a soft and supple tone. It also provides emollients,
color restoration, water retardation, and ultraviolet ray protection, which decreases color fading.
If applied regularly, the conditioner will enhance the natural luster of fine leather, while increasing
the longevity of the product. The approved leather conditioner is safe for use on all colors.
CAUTION: The approved leather care kit contains leather cleaner, leather conditioner, ink
remover, and a clean, soft, white cloth. Leather cleaner and leather conditioner
were developed for use on protected or semi-aniline leather. Never use leather
cleaner or leather conditioner on suede (napped) or pure aniline leathers.
Avoid using soaps as they contain alkaline which will alter the leathers pH bal-
ance. They can also cause leather to age prematurely by causing weakness,
cracking, and discoloration. Not all cleaning products suggested for leather will
protect and preserve the life of your upholstery. To avoid problems, use the
Leather Care Kit available from Cirrus Design. Test in an inconspicuous area to
ensure colorfastness. Never apply product directly to upholstery. Some stains can
cause permanent discoloration even after cleaning. Never use the leather care kit
in conjunction with cleaning products not approved by Cirrus Design.
(a) Acquire necessary tools, equipment, and supplies.
(b) For specific types of stains and cleaning procedures, refer to the following figure.
Note: Always clean stains immediately as some inks and stains set faster than
others. Always follow the directions from the manufacture of the cleaning
agent being used.
Description P/N or Spec. Supplier Purpose
House cleaning liquid Whisk Any Source Remove fresh baby
oil, ketchup, grape
juice, coffee or tea
Spray cleaning solution Fantastik or
Any Source Remove fresh
crayon or grease
Ammonia - Any Source Remove fresh lip-
stick or yellow mus-
tard stains
Household Bleach
(5% sodium hypochlorite)
- Any Source Remove fresh lip-
stick or yellow mus-
tard stains
Cotton cloth (clean white,
lint free)
- Any Source General cleaning