Technical data

Page 8 30 Nov 2000
CAUTION: Cutting tools must be made only from non-ferrous materials that are softer than
the surrounding structure. Use hardwood or acrylic tools for composite structure
and polyethylene, polypropylene, or Teflon around acrylic windows.
(8) Examine rework area for clean cuts, adequate notching, and for access. All loose pieces of seal-
ant in the repair area must be removed. If required, the area can be lightly sanded or brushed
briskly with a stiff-bristle brush to remove sealant.
CAUTION: Use caution not to sand through resin coat exposing fibers. Sanding through the
resin coat and exposing fibers will be cause for composite repair.
(9) Solvent clean area to be sealed. (Refer to 20-30)
B. Mixing Sealants
Keep all sealants away from open flames or other sources of ignition.
Mix and use sealants only in areas with adequate ventilation.
Wear protective gloves when handling sealants and cleaned parts. Do not use
protective hand creams as they can contaminate the sealant.
Avoid skin contact. If contact occurs, wash area thoroughly with soap and water.
Wear goggles for eye protection. If accidental eye contact with sealant, sealant
components, or cleaning solvent occurs, immediately flush eyes with large quan-
tities of water and report to a doctor for further examination and/or treatment.
CAUTION: The expiration date is stamped on each sealant container, never use expired sealant.
Do not stir air into mixture, if air bubbles appear, they must be removed. Mixing contain-
ers must be clean and free of all contaminates.
All equipment used in mixing sealant must be clean and dust free to avoid contamina-
tion of sealant. Clean equipment immediately after use.
Note: Proper mixing and correct proportions are extremely important to obtain optimum
results. Always observe sealant manufacturers recommendations for mixing sealant.