Technical data

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This section contains surface preparations and cleaning procedures for the usage of thread lock and
thread sealing agents.
A. Threadlock
(1) Shelf Life
Threadlock itself has no designated maximum shelf life when stored at room temperature in a
unopened container. Once the container is opened, temperature and environmental factors,
such as humidity and exposure to sunlight, have a major affect on shelf life. Observe shelf life
recommendations for threadlock stored in previously opened containers. Normally, threadlock
stored within the shelf life parameters will be acceptable for use provided there is no contamina-
tion or jelling of the substance.
(2) Application of Thread Lock
(a) Acquire necessary tools, equipment, and supplies..
(b) Bearing surfaces and threads to receive thread lock shall be clean, free of dust, grease,
condensation, moisture, or other contaminating substances. Solvent clean surfaces with
isopropyl alcohol. (Refer to 20-30)
(c) Prime surfaces with 7471 Grade T primer.
(d) Use care to keep thread lock out of bearings.Thread lock may be applied by brushing, dip-
ping, tumbling, or by running the nozzle over the threads. Either the nut or the bolt may be
coated. However, for blind hole applications, the sides of the blind hole and the first two
threads of the male fastener shall be coated. Parts shall then be assembled using normal
torque. Excess thread lock must be wiped off with a rag moistened with isopropyl alcohol.
Note: When specified, threaded fasteners in the fuel tank area shall be installed with
Loctite 242 and 7471 Grade T primer.
B. Torque Seal
Torque Seal should be applied to all jam nuts. Inspect torque sealed components when ever accessi-
ble and during each specified inspection period. Inspect the component for any signs of loosening. If
the torque seal is broken, the component must be immediately inspected and serviced.
Description P/N or Spec. Supplier Purpose
Isopropyl Alcohol TT-I-735
Grade A or B
Any Source Clean Surfaces
Primer 7471 Grade T Any Source Prime surfaces
Loctite - Loctite Corp.
Newington, CT
Lock threads as
required by applica-
30 Nov 2000