Technical data

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The following components must be overhauled or replaced at the specified intervals. To ensure correct
observation of these times, the date of removal, installation, or overhaul of such components as well as the
airplanes flight hours must be entered into the Service Time Record filed in the Airplane Maintenance Log.
Item Interval Replc. O’haul Notes
1. Engine Per Manufacturer.
(Recommended 2000
Refer to Teledyne Conti-
nental Motors Service
Letter SIL 98-9.
2. Propeller Governor Per Manufacturer.
(Recommended 2400
Refer to Woodward
Governor Company
Service Bulletin 33580F.
3. Magnetos Per Manufacturer.
(Recommended at
Engine Overhaul)
Refer to Teledyne Conti-
nental Motors IO-550
Overhaul Manual.
4. Propeller Per Manufacturer.
(Recommended 2400
Hours or 6 Years -
whichever comes first.)
Refer to Hartzell Propel-
ler Service Letter 61.
5. Alternator 1 Per Manufacturer.
(Recommended 500
Refer to Teledyne Conti-
nental Motors Manual
No. X30531-3.
6. Alternator 2 Per Manufacturer.
(Recommended 1700
Factory Overhaul.
7. Induction Air Filter At Annual Inspection or
200 Hours.
If at any time, the filter is
found to be more than
50% covered by foreign
material, the filter must
be replaced.
8. Muffler and Heat Exchanger 1000 Hours Refer to 78-20
9. Flexible Fuel Lines 5 Years
10. Fuel System Boost Pump 10 Years Refer to 28-20
11. Gascolator Seals 5 Years Refer to 28-20
12. Fuel System Drain Valve Seals 5 Years Refer to 28-10
13. Flexible Oil System Lines 5 Years
14. Flexible Brake System Lines 5 Years
15. Aileron-Rudder Interconnect
Shock Cord
5 Years Refer to 27-20
31 July 2001