Technical data

Page 18 30 Nov 2000
(h) Continue charging until the voltage and specific gravity readings are constant over three
readings taken at 1/2-hour intervals.
CAUTION: To prevent contamination from one cell to the other, immediately reinstall
cell caps into their original location after testing the specific gravity.
(i) Turn off and unplug the battery charger.
(j) Disconnect negative battery charger lead first and then disconnect positive battery
charger lead.
(k) Rinse the battery off with clean fresh water.
(l) Install battery into airplane. (Refer to 24-30)
I. Battery 2
Battery 2 is a maintenance free rechargeable sealed lead acid battery. Battery 2 is comprised of two
12-volt, 6-cell, 7-amp-hour batteries (connected in series for 24-volts). Battery 2 is located just aft of
bulkhead / Fuselage Station 222 (FS 222.0) and is mounted in an acid resistant container.
There is no need to check the specific gravity of the electrolyte or add water to these batteries during
their service life. In fact, there is no provision for this type of maintenance.
The battery will discharge at approximately 3% per month when storage temperature is maintained at
68° F (20° C). Self-discharge rate will vary with storage temperature and the remaining capacity. If the
battery is going to be stored for extended periods of time, the battery should be top-charged periodi-
(1) Removal - Battery 2
CAUTION: Ensure electrical power to airplane is off prior to performing maintenance.
(a) Remove the carpet from bulkhead 222.
(b) Remove access panel from bulkhead 222.
(c) Disconnect electrical connector and vent hose from battery tray.
(d) Remove the four screws securing battery 2 to the standoffs.
(e) Remove battery tray from the airplane.
(f) Remove the remaining screws and each battery from the battery tray.
CAUTION: Do not use abrasive cleaners or materials to clean battery contacts.
(g) Examine battery contacts for dirt or corrosion, clean or replace contacts as necessary.
(2) Installation - Battery 2
(a) Install the battery into the battery mounting tray.
(b) Secure battery to mounting tray using the existing mounting hardware.
(c) Verify correct battery voltage and terminal location to ensure batteries have correct volt-
age and that they have been installed correctly.
(3) Top-charging (Battery 2)
When the airplane isnt being used, battery 2 may become discharged to a point in which the
battery will need to be top-charged. When top-charging battery, use a constant-voltage charger.
Cirrus Design recommends constant-voltage charging because this is the most suitable and
most commonly used method to charge maintenance free sealed lead acid batteries. Battery 2
should be charged at a rate of 2.35 to 2.47 volts per cell (each battery has 6-cells). In higher
temperature areas, the battery should be charged at the lower voltage (2.35 volts per cell).