Technical data

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This section describes that portion of the flight control system which controls the position and movement of
the ailerons. Included are; aileron system rigging, control grip assembly, control yoke assembly, V-grooved-
guide wheel, pulleys and cables, roll trim cartridge, and 4-way trim/autopilot disconnect switch.
Aileron control motion is transferred by conventional yoke motion through a linkage to a pulley mounted on
the console structure. From the pulley, the single cable system is routed through a pulley gang at the bot-
tom of the center console, under the cabin floor to the rudder-aileron interconnect, along the fuselage long-
erons to kick-out pulleys which direct the cables to the wing area between the aft spar and flap cove. The
cables pass through fairleads at each flap hinge location where they attach to the aileron actuation pulley.
As the aileron actuating pulley rotates, the control surface is deflected via a right-angle drive arm. A cross-
over cable returns to the other wing, interconnecting the left and right ailerons. Cable retainers on each set
of pulleys prevent fouling. Adjustable control stops on each aileron actuation pulley limit control surface
The roll trim system acts as autopilot servo through the use of a captured compression spring cartridge
integrated into the control system and activated by an electric motor. The spring cartridge, bolted directly to
the LH aileron actuation pulley, and the electric trim motor, provide a centering force regardless of the
direction of control surface deflection. When activated, the trim motor moves the spring cartridge causing
the aileron actuation pulley to move the aileron to a new trimmed position. A 4-way switch, mounted on
both yoke grips, controls the roll trim system.
A system rigging Inspection/Check must be performed after loosening any flight con-
trol cable to assure proper control surface operation. Refer to the appropriate control
systems rigging procedures for the Inspection/Check maintenance practices.
A. Aileron System Cables (See Figure 27-101)
(1) Removal - Aileron System Cables
(a) Acquire necessary tools, equipment, and supplies.
(b) Remove kick plate. (Refer to 25-10)
(c) Remove MFD. (Refer to 34-40)
(d) Remove passenger seats. (Refer to 25-10)
(e) Remove carpet and access panels CF1L, CF1R, CF3C, CF4C, CF4R, and CF4L. (Refer
to 6-00)
(f) Remove LH and RH ailerons. (Refer to 57-50).
(g) At access holes CF3C and CF4C, remove turnbuckles from LH, RH, and forward aileron
(h) Disconnect rudder/aileron interconnect bungee from RH aileron cable. (Refer to 27-20)
(i) Remove cotter pins and washers securing clevis pins from kick-out and cross-over pulley
brackets and remove pins.
(j) Remove safety wire securing aileron cable to LH aileron actuation pulley and remove bolt
and washer securing cable guard to pulley bracket. Repeat procedure on RH side.
Description P/N or Spec. Supplier Purpose
String - Any Source Cable Routing
30 Nov 2000