Technical data

Page 10 30 Nov 2000
D. Push-to-Talk (PPT) Switch (See Figure 27-103)
(1) Removal - Push-to-Talk (PPT) Switch
(a) Remove screws securing switch plate assembly to top of control grip to gain access to
switch terminals.
CAUTION: Identify and mark electrical leads prior to cutting to facilitate reinstallation.
(b) Cut electrical leads from push-to-talk switch as close to switch base as possible.
(c) Remove bezel and unscrew push-to-talk switch from grip.
(2) Installation - Push-to-Talk (PPT) Switch
(a) Solder new electrical leads to push-to-talk switch.
(b) Route electrical leads through mounting hole, screw switch into grip, and tighten bezel to
(c) Splice harness leads to push-to-talk switch leads.
(d) Position switch plate assembly on control grip and install screws securing plate to grip.
E. Control Yoke Assembly (See Figure 27-104)
(1) Removal - Control Yoke Assembly
(a) Remove control grip assembly. (Refer to 27-10)
(b) Remove seat. (Refer to 25-10)
(c) Remove kick plate. (Refer to 25-10)
(d) Remove yoke tube trim. (Refer to 25-10)
(e) Remove bolster panel trim. (Refer to 25-10)
(f) Remove cotter pin, castellated nut, washers, and bolt securing aileron push/pull rod to
control yoke aileron actuation bracket.
(g) Remove cotter pin, castellated nut, washers, and bolt securing elevator push/pull rod to
control yoke elevator stop.
Note: For the following step, note washer stackup to aid in reinstallation.
(h) Remove cotter pins, castellated nuts, washers, and bolts securing control yoke assembly
rod ends to console assembly.
(i) Remove control yoke assembly from airplane.
(2) Installation - Control Yoke Assembly
(a) Position control yoke assembly on center console and install bolts, washers, castellated
nuts, and cotter pins securing the control yoke assembly rod ends to the console assem-
(b) Install bolt, washers, castellated nut, and cotter pin securing elevator push/pull rod to con-
trol-yoke elevator stop.
(c) Position aileron push/pull rod to control yoke actuation bracket and install bolt, washers,
castellated nut, and cotter pin.
(d) Install yoke tube trim. (Refer to 25-10)
(e) Install bolster panel trim. (Refer to 25-10)
(f) Install kick plate. (Refer to 25-10)
(g) Install seat. (Refer to 25-10)
(h) Install control grip assembly. (Refer to 27-10)