Technical data

Page 1530 Nov 2000
(d) Remove cotter pins and washers securing cable retainer clevis pins to pulley brackets
(e) Remove cotter pin, nut, washers, and bolt securing kick-out pulley to pulley brackets and
remove from airplane.
(6) Installation - Kick-Out Pulley
(a) Install pulley, bolt, washers, nut, and cotter pin securing kick-out pulley to brackets.
(b) Position cable on pulley and install cable retainer clevis pins, washers, and cotter pins.
(c) Perform Aileron System Rigging Adjustment/Test (Refer to 27-10)
(d) Install access panel CF4C. (Refer to 6-00)
(e) Install carpeting. (Refer to 25-10)
(7) Removal - Cross-Over Pulley
(a) Remove passenger compartment seats. (Refer to 25-10)
(b) Remove carpeting and access panels CF4L and CF4R from aft floor. (Refer to 6-00)
(c) Identify and loosen aileron cable tension via turnbuckle.
(d) Remove cotter pin, washer, and cable retainer clevis pin from pulley assembly and remove
cable from pulley.
(e) Remove cotter pin, washers, and bolt securing cross-over pulley to pulley bracket and
remove from airplane.
(8) Installation - Cross-Over Pulley
(a) Install pulley, washers, bolt, and cotter pin securing cross-over pulley to bracket assembly.
(b) Position cable on pulley and install cable retainer clevis pin, washer, and cotter pin.
(c) Perform Aileron System Rigging Adjustment/Test (Refer to 27-10)
(d) Install access panels CF4L and CF4R. (Refer to 6-00)
(e) Install carpeting. (Refer to 25-10)
(f) Install passenger compartment seats. (Refer to 25-10)