Technical data

Page 930 Nov 2000
C. Rudder System Pulleys and Bellcranks (See Figure 27-204), (See Figure 27-205)
(1) Pulley Gang-Forward
The forward pulley gang is used to route the aileron, rudder, and elevator system control cables.
Maintenance practices pertinent to the forward pulley gang are covered under the Aileron and
Roll Trim System. (Refer to 27-10)
(2) Removal - Rudder-Elevator Pulley Gang
(a) Remove carpeting and access panel CF5 from baggage compartment floor. (Refer to 6-
(b) Identify and loosen rudder and elevator cable tension via turnbuckle.
(c) Remove cotter pin, nut, washers, spacers, and bolt securing pulleys to rudder-elevator pul-
ley gang bracket and remove components from airplane.
(3) Installation - Rudder-Elevator Pulley Gang
(a) Position and install bolt, spacers, washers, nut, and cotter pin securing pulleys to rudder-
elevator pulley gang bracket.
(b) Rig rudder system and perform Rudder System Rigging Adjustment/Test. (Refer to 27-20)
(c) Rig elevator system and perform Elevator System Rigging Adjustment/Test. (Refer to 27-
(d) Install fuselage floor access panel CF5 and carpeting. (Refer to 6-00)
(4) Removal - Empennage Pulley Gang
(a) Remove carpeting and access panel CF5 from baggage compartment floor. (Refer to 6-
(b) At access panel CF5, remove turnbuckles from rudder and elevator cables.
(c) Remove fuselage access panels RE1, RE2, LE1, and LE2. (Refer to 6-00)
(d) Loosen jam nuts securing rudder and elevator push/pull rods to rudder and elevator actua-
tion pulleys.
(e) Remove cotter pin, castellated nut, washer, spacer, and bolt securing rudder push/pull rod
to rudder bell crank.
(f) Remove cotter pin, castellated nut, washers, and bolt securing elevator push/pull rod to
elevator bell crank.
(g) Unscrew rudder push/pull rod from rod end attached to rudder actuation pulley and
remove from airplane.
(h) Unscrew elevator push/pull rod from rod end attached to elevator actuation pulley and
remove from airplane.
(i) Remove nut, washer, and screw securing support brace to empennage, loosen jam nut
securing support brace to pulley gang, and remove support brace from airplane.
(j) Gain access to pulley gang mounting bracket through access hole in vertical stabilizer
bulkhead and remove bolts securing pulley gang to bulkhead. Remove gang assembly
from airplane.
(k) Remove cotter pins securing pulley guard pins to empennage pulley gang bracket and
remove pins.
(l) Cut safety wire securing cables to actuation pulleys.
(m) At access hole CF5, pull rudder and elevator cables through. Remove cables from air-
(5) Installation - Empennage Pulley Gang
(a) Prior to empennage pulley gang installation, secure rudder and elevator cables to actua-
tion pulleys with safety wire and insert pulley guard pins, install washers and cotter pins
(b) Route rudder and elevator cables through access hole RE1 forward to access hole CF5.