Technical data

Page 1531 July 2001
F. Yaw Trim Gage
(1) Removal - Yaw Trim Gage
(a) Disconnect Pitch/Yaw Trim circuit breaker.
(b) Remove screws securing gage to center console.
(c) Disconnect yaw trim gage connector and remove from airplane.
(2) Installation - Yaw Trim Gage
(a) Connect yaw trim gage connector.
(b) Position yaw trim gage connector to center console and secure with screws.
(c) Reset Pitch/Yaw Trim circuit breaker
G. Rudder-Aileron Interconnect (See Figure 27-206)
(1) Removal - Rudder-Aileron Interconnect
(a) Remove rear passenger compartment carpeting. (Refer to 25-10)
(b) Remove cabin floor access panel 3C. (Refer to 6-00)
(c) Remove nuts, washers, clamps, and bolts securing bungee cord to right aileron cable.
(d) Remove nut, washers, clamps, and bolt securing right rudder cable to interconnect arm.
(e) Remove washers, bolts, and spacer securing interconnect bracket to left longeron and
remove interconnect from airplane.
(2) Installation - Rudder-Aileron Interconnect
(a) Install spacer, bolts, and nuts securing interconnect bracket to left longeron.
(b) Install bolt, clamps, washers, and nut securing right rudder cable to interconnect arm.
(c) Install bolt, clamps, washers, and nuts securing bungee cord to right aileron cable.
(d) Perform Rudder-Aileron Interconnect Adjustment/Check (Refer to 27-20)
(e) Install fuselage floor access panel 3C. (Refer to 6-00)
(f) Install rear passenger compartment carpeting.(Refer to 25-10)
(3) Adjustment/Test - Rudder-Aileron Interconnect
Note: Improper Rudder-Aileron Interconnect adjustment may effect autopilot roll trim
and roll performance.
The interconnect must be adjusted so that full rudder application will meet the requirements of
FAR 23.177 or optionally:
full left rudder deflection causes 5° minimum, 8° maximum right aileron trailing edge down;
full right rudder deflection causes 5° minimum, 8° maximum left aileron trailing edge down.
To adjust the interconnect, perform the following procedure:
(a) Acquire necessary tools, equipment, and supplies.
(b) Remove rear passenger compartment carpeting. (Refer to 25-10)
(c) Remove cabin floor access panel 3C. (Refer to 6-00)
(d) Initially position bungee clamps approximately 4.5" forward and aft of interconnect arm
(e) Set roll trim to full right.
Description P/N or Spec. Supplier Purpose
WS 144 Rigging Template - Cirrus Design Corp. Aileron Rigging