Technical data

Page 1330 Nov 2000
(j) Verify minimum rod end thread engagement of 0.312 inch (0.79 cm).
(k) Verify proper installation of safety wires and cotter pins on all fasteners.
(5) Removal - Pitch Trim Motor
(a) Ensure BAT 1, BAT 2, and AVIONICS master switches are in OFF position.
(b) Pull PITCH TRIM circuit breaker.
(c) Remove access panel RE2. (Refer to 6-00)
(d) Remove composite rudder bottom. (Refer to 55-40)
(e) Remove nut, washer, and screw securing pulley gang support brace to empennage.
(f) Disconnect trim motor electrical connection.
(g) Remove nut, washers, and bolt securing trim cartridge push/pull rod to trim motor actua-
tion arm.
(h) Remove nuts, washers, and bolts, securing pitch trim motor assembly to vertical stabilizer
spar and remove from airplane.
(6) Installation - Pitch Trim Motor
(a) Position pitch trim motor assembly over vertical stabilizer spar holes and install bolts,
washers, and nuts.
(b) Install bolt, washers, and nut securing trim cartridge push/pull rod to trim motor actuation
(c) Connect trim motor electrical connection.
(d) Install screw, washer, and nut securing pulley gang support brace to empennage.
(e) Install composite rudder bottom. (Refer to 55-40)
(f) Install access panel RE2. (Refer to 6-00)
(g) Reset PITCH TRIM circuit breaker.
F. Pitch Trim Tab
Pitch trim adjustment is ground adjustable only and is achieved by changing the deflection angle of the
trim tab. Adjustments may be made to a maximum trim tab angle of 25° from straight, trim tab trailing
edge up.