Technical data

Page 2 30 Nov 2000
A. Gascolator (See Figure 28-201)
(1) Removal - Gascolator
(a) Disconnect battery and insulate both cable ends to prevent accidental reconnection.
(Refer to 24-30)
(b) Place the fuel selector valve in the off position.
(c) Using fuel sampler, drain fuel from gascolator and valve line.
(d) Disconnect fuel inlet and outlet lines.
(e) Disconnect gascolator drain line.
(f) Remove bolts securing gascolator to mounting bracket. Remove gascolator.
(2) Installation - Gascolator
(a) Loosely secure gascolator to mounting bracket.
(b) Connect and tighten fuel inlet and outlet lines.
(c) Tighten gascolator to mounting bolts.
(d) Place the fuel selector valve in the on position.
(e) Inspect fuel system for signs of leakage.
(f) Connect battery. (Refer to 24-30)
(3) Removal - Gascolator Fuel Filter Screen
(a) Disconnect battery and insulate both cable ends to prevent accidental reconnection.
(Refer to 24-30)
(b) Remove gascolator. (Refer to 28-20)
(c) Remove drain valve fitting and remove the bowl.
Note: The bowl may resist disassembly due to the o-ring seal. If necessary lightly
tap on side of gascolator or rotate bowl while pulling apart to aid in disas-
(d) Remove snap ring and remove the filter screen.
(4) Installation - Gascolator Fuel Filter Screen
(a) Install the filter screen onto the gascolator and secure with snap ring.
(b) Install new o-ring onto gascolator.
(c) Slide bowl onto gascolator and secure drain valve fitting using a new stat-o-seal washer.
(d) Install gascolator. (Refer to 28-20)
(e) Connect battery. (Refer to 24-30)
(5) Cleaning - Gascolator Fuel Filter Screen
(a) Remove fuel filter screen. (Refer to 28-20)
(b) Blow compressed air into the filter screen from the inside towards the outside.