Technical data

Page 2
A. Hard/Overweight Landing
Note: If the hard/overweight landing is combined with high drag/side loads, additional checks
are required.
(1) Landing Gear
(a) Main gear struts - Inspect for security of attachment, permanent deformation, delamina-
tion, and cracking or splintering of strut.
(b) Main gear attachments and supporting structure - Inspect for security loose or failed fas-
teners, permanent deformation, damage to fairings, tire damage, and any other evidence
of structural damage.
(c) Nose gear and attaching structure - Inspect for security, loose or failed fasteners, perma-
nent deformation of strut or axle, engine mount weld cracks, damage to fairing, tire dam-
age, and any other evidence of structural damage.
(2) Wings
(a) Wings surface - Inspect for skin cracks, loose of failed fasteners, and any evidence of
structural damage.
(b) Trailing edge - Inspect for any deformation effecting normal flap operation.
B. Overspeed
(1) Landing gear
(a) Main gear axle and fittings - Inspect for cracks, security, and evidence of structural dam-
(b) Tires - Inspect tires for flat spots, excessive wear, and tire slippage on the wheel rim.
(2) Fuselage
(a) Windshield and windows - Inspect for buckling, dents, loose or failed fasteners, and any
evidence of structural damage.
(b) All hinged doors - Inspect hinges, hinge attach points, latches and attachments, and any
evidence of structural damage.
(3) Cowling
(a) Inspect for buckling, cracks, loose or failed fasteners, and indications of structural dam-
(4) Stabilizers
(a) Stabilizers - Inspect skins, hinges and attachments, moveable surfaces, mass balance
weights, and attaching structure for cracks, dents, buckling, loose or failed fasteners, and
evidence of structural damage.
(5) Wings
(a) Flaps - Inspect for skin buckling, cracks, loose or failed fasteners, attachments and struc-
tural damage.
(b) Fillets and fairings - Inspect for cracks, and loose or failed fasteners.
C. Severe Turbulence and/or Maneuvers
(1) Stabilizers
(a) Horizontal stabilizer hinge fittings, and fittings - Inspect for security, loose or failed fasten-
ers, and any evidence of structural damage.
(b) Vertical stabilizer - Inspect for evidence of structural damage, and damage to hinges and
30 Nov 2000