Technical data

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(c) Elevator and rudder balance weight supporting structure - Inspect for security, loose or
failed fasteners, and evidence of structural damage.
(2) Wing
(a) Wing to body fittings and supporting structure - Inspect for security, loose or failed fasten-
ers, and evidence of structural damage.
(b) Trailing Edge - Inspect for and deformation affecting normal operation of flap and aileron.
D. Lightning Strike
(1) Communications
(a) Antennas - Inspect all antennas for evidence of burning or eroding. If damage is noted,
perform functional check of affected system.
(2) Navigation
(a) Glidescope antenna - Inspect for burning and pitting. If damage is noted, perform a func-
tional check of glidescope system.
(b) Compass should be considered serviceable if the corrected heading is within plus or
minus 10 degrees of heading indicated by the remote compass system. If remote com-
pass is not within tolerance, remove, repair, or replace.
(3) Fuselage
(a) Skin - Inspect surface of fuselage skin for evidence of damage.
(4) Stabilizers
(a) Inspect surfaces of stabilizers for evidence of damage.
(5) Wings
(a) Skin - Inspect for evidence of burning and eroding.
(b) Wing tips - Inspect for evidence of burning and pitting.
(c) Flight surfaces and hinging mechanisms - Inspect for burning and pitting.
(6) Propeller
(a) Propeller - Remove from service and have inspected at an authorized repair station.
(7) Powerplant
(a) Engine - Refer to engine manufacturers overhaul manual for inspection procedures.
E. Foreign Object Damage
(1) Landing Gear
(a) Fairings - Inspect for cracks, misalignment, and indication of structural damage.
(2) Fuselage
(a) Skin - Inspect forward and belly areas for punctures, cracks, and any evidence of damage.
(3) Cowling
(a) Skin - Inspect forward and belly areas for punctures, cracks, and any evidence of damage.
(4) Stabilizers
(a) Leading edge - Inspect for punctures, cracks, scratches, and any evidence of damage.
(5) Windows
(a) Windshield - Inspect for chipping, scratches, and cracks.
(6) Wings
(a) Leading edge - Inspect for punctures, cracks, scratches, and any evidence of damage.
(7) Engine
(a) Filter - Replace if contaminated.
(b) Air inlet section - Inspect for dents, cracks, scratches, punctures, blood, and feathers.
(c) Propeller - Inspect for nicked, bent, broken, or cracked blades.
30 Nov 2000