Technical data

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This section covers the passenger compartment lighting. Each passenger light is controlled by an over-
head switch. The eyeball lights consist of two lights and switches mounted in the headliner above the
seats. Each light is round, and flush mounted with a swivel lens. Each light is individually switched with a
push on/off toggle switch. The eyeball lights are powered from the Main Bus 2 through the 3-amp Cabin
Lights circuit breaker, and receive power to the switches when the BAT 1 Switch is on.
CAUTION: Always wear clean cotton gloves when working with light bulbs. Never allow the glass por-
tion of the light bulb to come into contact with exposed skin. Oils from the exposed skin will
cause premature bulb failure.
A. Passenger Eyeball Lights
(1) Removal - Passenger Eyeball Light and Switch
(a) Open (pull) the CABIN LIGHTS circuit breaker.
(b) Remove headliner. (Refer to 25-10)
(c) Identify and disconnect passenger eyeball light and switch wire harnesses.
(d) Depress mounting tabs and push the switch and light out of the headliner.
(2) Installation - Passenger Eyeball Light and Switch
(a) Push the passenger eyeball light and switch into the headliner.
(b) Identify and connect wire harnesses.
(c) Install cabin headliner. (Refer to 33-10)
(d) Reset the CABIN LIGHTS circuit breaker.
(e) Verify proper operation of light and switch.
Trouble Probable Cause Remedy
Reading Light inoperative Defective bulb Replace bulb
Loose connection Tighten electrical connection
Fixture not grounded/defective fix-
Check for continuity through fix-
ture. Repair ground circuit.
Replace defective fixture.
Circuit breaker or switch tripped Inspect for short circuit
Reset circuit breaker
Circuit breaker switch defective Check for continuity through
switch. Replace if defective.
Defective power supply Replace power supply
Battery defective Replace battery/use external
30 Nov 2000