Technical data

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This chapter describes the navigation systems, units, and components which provide airplane navigational
information. Included are pitot-static, gyros, compass, landing aids, global positioning system (GPS), and
indicators. The subjects to be covered in this chapter are as follows:
The Flight Environmental Data/Pitot Static Section describes systems which sense environmental condi-
tions and use the data to influence navigation of the airplane. This includes components that depend on
the pitot-static system such as vertical speed indicator, airspeed indicator, and altimeter. (Refer to 34-10)
The Attitude and Direction Section describes systems which use magnetic, gyroscopic and inertia forces.
This includes gyros, magnetic compass, and turn coordinator. (Refer to 34-20)
The Landing and Taxiing Aids Section describes systems which provide guidance during approach, land-
ing, and taxiing. This includes components such as the glideslope and marker beacon systems. (Refer to
The Independent Position Determining Section describes systems which provide information to determine
position from sources which are mainly independent of ground installations. This includes the global posi-
toning system (GPS), multifunction display (MFD) and the optional Stormscope system. (Refer to 34-40)
The Dependent Position Determining Section describes systems which provide information to determine
position from sources which are mainly dependent on ground installations. This includes systems such as
radio navigational aids and transponder. (Refer to 34-50)
Navigational system instrument layout: (See Figure 34-001)
Note: This chapter does not address specific instrument repair. Federal Aviation Regulations
require malfunctioning instruments be sent to an approved instrument overhaul and repair
station or returned to the manufacturer for servicing.
30 Nov 2000